Nigeria’s customs promises an end to clearance delays at the ports

Nigerian businesses can expect faster clearance of goods as the customs comptroller-general promises to end delays at the ports.


The Comptroller-General of Customs, Adewale Adeniyi, has taken a firm stand against the persistent challenges plaguing clearance processes at ports across Nigeria. The commitment came during an interactive session with maritime and excise stakeholders. A crucial component of the recently concluded CGC’s Conference, 2023.

The issues discussed during the session included multiple alerts, frequent downtime of the Customs Processing Centre (CPC), numerous checkpoints, and difficulties in accessing ports. Adeniyi spoke on the urgency of finding time-bound solutions to these long-standing problems. He also acknowledged the critical challenges confronting cargo clearance.

“In open discussions, the critical challenges confronting cargo clearance have been acknowledged. The next phase involves collaborating with key stakeholders to establish a framework for overcoming these obstacles,” remarked the CGC.

Customs under the new leadership are taking steps to address these challenges proactively. Most notable is the setting up of a panel of representatives from stakeholders, and the Nigeria Customs Service.

The panel aims to compile comprehensive recommendations to streamline and optimize port operations. However, the implementation of these recommendations will take effect by the first quarter of 2024.

What do stakeholders think about this promise by customs to end clearance delays at the ports?

Stakeholders led by Tochukwu Ezeisi welcomed the Customs’ initiative, expressing their satisfaction with the revitalization of the Services’ Annual Conference. Tochukwu Ezeisi is the President of the National Association of Government Approved Freight Forwarders (NAGAFF).  According to him, freight forwarders are happy the leadership is taking their concerns seriously.

Alhaji Kazeem Isa Adua, the Deputy President of the National Council of Managing Directors of Licensed Customs Agents (NCMDLCA), echoed this sentiment. While praising the CGC’s initiative, he spoke about anticipating a smoother and more streamlined clearance process in the near future.

In Conclusion

The commitment of Customs to addressing the long-standing challenges within the maritime sector, coupled with the positive reception from stakeholders, signifies a promising shift towards a more efficient and effective clearance process at Nigerian ports.

The creation of a collaborative framework and the implementation of new policies aligned with stakeholders’ input demonstrates a proactive approach to overcoming obstacles and fostering positive change in the nation’s ports.