Privacy Policy

Supply Chain Nuggets Privacy Policy



The Privacy Policy on this page describes how personal data is gathered and used by SCN Media Limited and any other companies in our group or under common ownership from time to time (collectively referred to as “SCN Media”, “we”, “us”, and “our” throughout this Privacy Policy).

We at SCN Media appreciate your right to privacy and are dedicated to keeping your personal information safe. We take data privacy extremely seriously, and we’ll work to uphold the confidence that our clients and other people place in us when they provide us with their personal information.

You will understand all about the privacy rights and the legal protections available through this Privacy Statement and how we collect, use, handle, and disclose your personal information. Please contact us with the details on our contact page or at if you have any questions regarding our data protection policies. 

There are the following sections in this privacy policy: Information of importance, Information security guidelines 

1.) How we gather data about you 

2.) What data do we gather, and how do we use it 

3.) Disclosures of your private information worldwide transfers Data protection retaining data Legal rights you have.


For further information on words like “personal data” and “personal information” used in this privacy policy, please consult the Glossary.


Information of importance


This privacy policy was created to inform you of how SCN Media collects and uses your personal data, including any information you may give us when you contact us by phone, email, mail, social media, or any other method, as well as any information you give us on this website when you register on our sites, sign up for our newsletters, participate in a survey, or in any other way. 

This website is not designed for minors unless specifically stated otherwise, and we do not intentionally collect data about children. 

You should carefully read this Privacy Statement and any other privacy or fair processing information we may provide on particular occasions when collecting or processing personal data about you. The privacy policy supplements rather than override them.



As part of our dedication to you, we’ve hired a data compliance manager who manages inquiries about our Privacy Policy and SCN Media’s general compliance with data protection laws. 

Your personal information is under the responsibility of SCN Media as the “controller” under the data protection law. 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the data compliance manager using the information provided below if you have any inquiries regarding this privacy policy, including any demands to exercise your legal rights (see section 9 below). 


Contact information 

The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) is open to complaints anytime. Contact information is Contact information: +2347059787714.

However, we would appreciate the chance to address your reservations or concerns before you approach the NITDA, so please contact us first.  


Modifications to the Privacy Policy and your need to notify us of them

On April 30, 2023, this version was last updated.

We periodically evaluate this Privacy Policy and may make changes to it. To view the most recent version, come back often. We can avail you with hard copies of this privacy policy upon request.

We are required to hold true and updated personal information about you. If your personal information changes throughout your partnership with us, kindly let us know.


Third-party links

Links to third-party websites, plug-ins, and programs may be found on this website. Third parties can gather or share information about you if you click on those links or enable those connections. With the exception of links to our own brands, we have no control over third-party sites and are not liable for their privacy policies. We advise reading the privacy statement or notice on every website you visit before leaving ours.


Data Protection Policies

When handling personal data, SCN Media follows the guidelines outlined in data protection legislation. According to these guidelines, personal data must be:

  • Processed in a legal, equitable, and open manner.
  • Only gathered for specific, clear, and legal purposes.
  • Adequate, pertinent, and limited to what is required concerning the processing goals.
  • Accurate and, if needed, kept current.
  • Not kept in a format that makes it possible to identify data subjects for any longer than is required for processing purposes.
  • Processed in a way that preserves its security while utilizing the proper organizational and technical safeguards to guard against unauthorized or illegal processing as well as against unintentional loss, destruction, or damage.
  • Only moved to another nation with the necessary protections in place.
  • The ability to exercise specific rights concerning one’s personal data is available to data subjects.

We are also accountable for making sure we can prove compliance with the data mentioned above protection guidelines.


How we gather data about you

We could gather, utilize, store, and transfer various types of personal information about you. We obtain and handle your personal information when you:

  • Register on this website or other websites under our brands
  • Sign up for any of our newsletters or publications
  • Request any of our other products or services
  • Respond to a customer survey
  • Ask us for information about our services or business operations
  • Send us an email, phone call, letter, or message on social media. 


Normally, we only obtain personal information about you when you directly contact us (in person, over the phone, over email, through the mail, on social media, or through this website). For instance, when you sign up for one of our brands, you will enter your personal information. 

We may obtain personal information about you from our partners and third parties, including through your LinkedIn, Twitter, or other online profiles, as well as from other companies or subcontractors with whom we do business and who may have obtained such information from you voluntarily or on the basis of another legal justification.

When you use this website, we may also gather personal information about you through automated technologies, analytics companies, or search engine companies. Cookies help the site function as efficiently as possible. See our Cookies Policy for more information.

As a result of an inquiry into any of the companies that are the focus of our reporting and freely accessible digital media online, we might also learn more about those companies.



We use cookies as a storage for website visitors’ preferences, keep track of their session information (like the items they add to their shopping carts), keep track of user-specific information (like the pages they access or visit), customize the frequency of and/or the content of advertisements, and/or alter the content of webpages based on the visitor’s browser type or other information, as well as keeping user names and passwords. 

A cookie is a tiny file that is transferred from a server to your browser and kept on your computer’s hard disk. Most browsers allow users to prevent cookies from being sent, but doing so may make it more difficult for you to access some features on our websites. We do not gather personally identifiable data in this manner, but if you give us personally identifiable data, we might combine it with the data gathered automatically.

To show advertisements to users of our websites, we also work with outside advertising firms. These businesses may make use of data about visits to this and other websites (but not visitors’ identities, addresses, email addresses, or phone numbers).

A failure to provide your personal data

Where we are required by law to collect personal data, or under the terms of our agreement with you, and upon failure to provide the requested data, we may find it challenging to render our services. If this happens, we may have to terminate our contract with you, but we ensure you are notify you if this is the case.


What data do we gather, and how do we use it

The types of personal information we will gather are:

  • Your contact information includes your name, address, phone number, and email address.
  • Contact history, including all correspondence with us through phone, email, mail, our website, or social media.
  • Transaction history, including details about any earlier publications or newsletters you may have subscribed to.
  • Photos, should you choose to upload one during our sign-up procedure
  • Marketing preferences
  • Information about the technology in the devices you use to access the website, including the internet protocol (IP) address, type and version of browser, time zone and location setting, types and versions of browser plug-in types, operating system and platform, session replay data, and other technical information.

Additionally, for any purpose, we collect, use, and share aggregated data, such as demographic or statistical information. Although Aggregated Data may be derived from your personal data, it is not personal data as defined by data protection laws because it does not explicitly or implicitly identify you. For instance, we may combine information about your website usage to estimate the proportion of visitors that access a particular feature or brand on our website. However, suppose we combine or link aggregated data with personal information about you in a way that enables us recognize you directly or indirectly. In that case, we treat the combined information as personal information and will use it under the terms of this Privacy Policy.

We won’t gather or handle delicate personal information (as outlined in the Glossary) concerning you at any point.

In general, we’ll use your personal information to:


  • Give you access to our publications and newsletters that are pertinent to you; 
  • To make your visit to our website and the websites of our brands more personalized
  • We may contact you using any of the following method: phone, mail, email, or social media to discuss the products and information you requested. 
  • Processing all financial transactions, including payment collection, charge and fee management, and refund administration
  • Create, explore, and manage your account on our website and the other websites under our brands.
  • Handle our connection with you generally.
  • Answer any questions you may have for us.
  • Send you information by mail or email regarding new services, goods, assets, deals, updates, and news we are providing or those of our third-party clients or partners (further information is provided under the “Marketing” section below), as well as chances to participate in any of our publications.
  • Obey all statutory and regulatory requirements.
  • A record of your interactions with us should be kept.
  • Fraud prevention and detection; customer support (including looking into complaints)
  • Educate our personnel and do quality assurance.
  • Review and enhance our publications and services.
  • Use data analytics to enhance our company’s overall operations, including our website, marketing, customer relations, and user experience.
  • Administer and safeguard our organization and the website (including testing, data analysis, troubleshooting, and system maintenance and network security).


Justification for using your information legally

When necessary to fulfil a contract with you (such as when you have requested services from us, and we are required to deliver them), we may only use your personal information with your permission. 

However, there are other legitimate grounds for which we may process your personal data, such as when doing so is in your best interest. This indicates that SCN Media has a legitimate interest in processing your information, which is why we are doing so.

We always consider your rights and interests while processing your personal data based on a “legitimate interest”, and we never process your personal information if we have a reason to suspect a disproportionate privacy impact on you.



If you are a consumer and have explicitly consented to receiving marketing communications, we may try to engage you through your contact information and send you those communications. 


We may also use your contact information to send you marketing communications if you are not a consumer but have requested information from us, subscribed to one of our newsletters or publications, or have obtained your information from a third-party source unless you have opted out of receiving that marketing.

By getting in touch with us at any time or selecting the “unsubscribe” button in the pertinent email, you can demand that we or third party entities no longer send you marketing communications.

If you choose not to receive these marketing messages, we won’t use the personal information you gave us regarding a booking or other contract for services you have with us.


Change of direction 

Unless believe within reason that we need to use your personal data for another purpose, compatible with the original goal, we will only use it for those purposes for which we collected it. Please contact us if you’d like further information about how the processing for the new purpose is consistent with the original purpose.


If we need to use your personal data for a different reason, we’ll let you know and explain its legal justification.

Please note that we may process your personal data without your knowledge or permisision in compliance with the stated rules where this is required or permitted by law.


Disclosures of your private information

For the reasons outlined in paragraph 4 above, we could be required to disclose your personal information to the parties listed below.

  • Any third-party customers or partners for lead-generating purposes provided that you have permitted us to reveal your personal information or that we have another legal basis for doing so.
  • Any vendors, contractors, and/or representatives we hire to deliver the services you’ve subscribed to or otherwise bought from us.
  • Anyone who participated in the design or development of one of our publications. 
  • IT, security, software, marketing, advertising, and system management service and infrastructure providers.
  • Professional advisers serving as processors or joint controllers, such as attorneys, bankers, consultants, accountants, insurers, and other outside parties that offer associated legal, banking, consulting, accounting, and insurance services.
  • Authorities in Nigeria that function as processors or joint controllers and who, in certain situations, require reporting of processing actions include customs, law enforcement agencies, regulators, and other authorities.
  • Persons or entities other than ourselves to whom we may decide to sell, transfer, or combine portions of our business or our assets. 
  • Alternatively, we can combine with, restructure, or buy other companies. 
  • Your personal information may be used in the same ways as described in this Privacy Policy if our company changes hands. 
  • Any additional SCN Media organizations

We share Aggregated Data with third-party advertising companies to deliver customized adverts based on your visits to our website and our brands’ websites. Our third-party service providers are only permitted to process your personal data for those reasons and in line with our instructions; we do not permit them to use it for their own purposes. We demand that all third parties protect the confidentiality of your personal information and handle it legally.

Your personal information is not and will never be sold to a third party by us.


International transfers

The processing of your personal data by any of our external third-party service providers or partners may include a transfer outside the African Economic Community if such parties are headquartered outside the AEC.

We make sure your personal information is given a comparable level of protection whenever we send it outside of the AU by ensuring that at least one of the following protections is in place:

  • Only nations that the African Union has determined to offer an appropriate degree of security for personal data will get your data from us. 
  • Where we work with particular service providers, we might use agreements approved by the African Union, giving personal data the same level of protection as the AU data protection law. 
  • When we work with service providers in the US, we may send personal data to them provided they are Privacy Shield compliant, meaning they must uphold an equivalent level of security for personal data sent between the AEC and the US.

Alternatively, we may transfer your personal information outside of the AU where permitted or required by data protection law.

Please contact us if you need more information on the exact method we employ to transfer your personal data outside the AEC.


Data protection

We have put the necessary security measures in place to guard against the unintentional loss, alteration, disclosure, or use of your personal information. Additionally, we only allow agents, employees, contractors, and other third party entities who have a business need to know access to your personal information. They have a confidentiality obligation and will only act following our instructions while processing your personal data.


When legally required, we will notify you and any relevant regulator of a breach and outline the process of dealing with any suspected breach of personal.


Retaining data

How long will my personal information be used?

We will only keep your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfil the reasons it was originally obtained, including to meet any reporting or legal obligations.


The quantity, nature, and sensitivity of the data, the risk of harm from unapproved disclosure, the reason for which we process the data, including whether those purposes can be met without the use of the data, and the applicable legal requirements are all properly considered when determining the appropriate retention period for personal data.

By contacting us using the information above, you can get further information on the duration of storage for certain aspects of your personal data.


Legal rights you have

You may be entitled to various protections under data protection regulations concerning your personal information. To learn more about these rights, kindly click on the following headings: 

  • Obtain access to your personal information.
  • Ensure that your personal info is corrected.
  • Request that your personal data be deleted.
  • Refuse to have your personal information processed.
  • Ask to have the processing of your personal information limited.
  • A plea to transfer your personal information.
  • Right, to revoke the agreement.

Please contact us if you want to exercise any of the above-mentioned rights. 

There is typically no cost.

You won’t be charged anything to view your personal information or use any other rights. However, we might charge a fair fee if your request needs to be simplified. We reserve the right also to refuse to comply with your request.


What you would need to provide

This security safeguard ensures that personal information is not given to someone who shouldn’t have access to it. We need to ask you for precise details to verify your identity and secure your right to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). To respond to your request more quickly, we might get in touch and ask you for more details.

the deadline for responses

We make an effort to respond to all valid inquiries within a month. Occasionally, if your request is particularly complicated or you have made several requests, it might take us longer than a month. In this instance, we’ll notify you and keep you updated.



“Personal data” or “personal information” refers to any information about a person that can be used to identify that person. It excludes information that has been anonymized (anonymous data). 

“Sensitive Personal Data” refers to information about a person’s racial or ethnic background, political views, religious or other similar beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health issues, sexual life, sexual orientation, biometric or genetic information, and criminal offences and convictions.



“Legitimate interest” refers to our company’s interest in running and managing our operations in a way that enables us to provide you with the greatest service possible along with the best and most secure experience. Before we use your personal data for our legitimate interests, we ensure we weigh all the potential good and bad effects on you and your rights. Unless we have your approval or are otherwise required or permitted by law, we do not use your personal data for activities where the impact on your privacy outweighs our interests. By contacting us, you can learn more about how we weigh our legitimate interests against any possible effects on you concerning particular activities. 

The term “performance of a contract” means processing your data where it is imperative for the performance of a contract of which you are party. It also means to take steps at your request before entering into such a contract.

“Performance of contract” is the processing of personal data where it is required to fulfil a contract to which you are a party or to carry out actions at your request before the execution of a contract.

“Comply with a legal or regulatory obligation” refers to processing your personal data where it is required to do so in order for us to adhere to a legal or regulatory requirement.



You are entitled to:

Make a “data access request” to obtain authority to access your personal information. This allows you to request a copy of our personal information on file for you and confirm its accuracy.

Request an update on the personal information we currently have about you. This gives you the chance to alter or change any incomplete or erroneous data we may have of you, albeit we will need to verify the veracity of any updated information you offer.

Request that your personal data be deleted. This gives you the option to request that we stop processing personal data if there is no compelling reason to do so. 

Additionally, you have the right to request that we erase your personal data in cases where you successfully exercised your right to object to data processing (see below), in which we may have evaluated your data improperly, or in which we are required to do so by local law. However, please be informed that there are some situations in which we may not always be able to honour your erasure request. If this is the case, we will let you know at the time of your request. 

Suppose we are processing your personal data for our (or a third party’s) legitimate interests, and something about your circumstances makes you want to object to processing on this basis. In that case, you have the right to do so.

In cases where we use your personal data for direct marketing, you also have the right to object. In some circumstances, we may be able to show that our legitimate processing needs outweigh our rights and freedoms.

Request a restriction on how your personal data is processed. This gives you the option to request that we stop processing your personal data in the following circumstances:

  • If you want us to verify the accuracy of the data.
  • If you do not want us to delete the data even though our use is illegal.
  • If you need us to keep the information even after we no longer need it, you need it to make, use, or defend legal claims.
  • Although you have objected to our use of your data, we must first determine whether we have overriding justifications for doing so. 

Ask for your personal data to be transferred to you or a third party. Your personal information will be delivered to you or a specified third party in a structured, generally accepted, machine-readable manner. Remember that this privilege only applies to automated information we utilized with your prior consent or to carry out a contract with you.

You can revoke your consent if we use it to process your personal data. However, the processing done before you withdrew your consent will still be legal. If you refuse, we might be unable to continue offering you some services. We will let you know when you withdraw your consent if this is the case.