Greener swipes? Mastercard & MDP partner for carbon calculator

Mastercard and MDP have collaborated to create a consumer-friendly carbon calculator for Egyptians.

Can you imagine being able to see the environmental impact of every swipe of your credit/debit card? Well, Egyptians don’t have to anymore. That’s now a reality thanks to the groundbreaking collaboration between Mastercard and MDP, a local card-issuing platform.

Their innovative Carbon Calculator empowers consumers to make informed purchasing/procurement decisions. And it will be based on the estimated carbon footprint of their spending.

The initiative isn’t just about individual awareness; it’s a strategic move towards a more sustainable future for Egypt and the planet.

How will Mastercard and MDP’s Carbon Calculator help with sustainability?

Powered by the Doconomy Åland Index, the Carbon Calculator will provide users with a transparent view of their carbon footprint.

This will be generated through card purchases, but it goes beyond numbers.  It will offer relatable comparisons like the number of trees needed to offset emissions, making environmental impact tangible and easy to understand.

Armed with this knowledge, consumers can make informed choices, prioritizing purchases from eco-friendly businesses and products. The shift in consumer behaviour will send a powerful message to businesses. It is expected to incentivize them to adopt sustainable practices throughout their supply chains.

The Carbon Calculator aligns with Egypt’s Sustainable Development Strategy -Vision 2030. The country aims to create a more sustainable and equitable society by then. Promoting responsible consumerism will help achieve national goals, paving the way for a greener future for all Egyptians.

Mastercard’s Commitment to Net Zero

This initiative is just one facet of Mastercard’s broader commitment to net-zero emissions by 2040.

The company has developed a directory of sustainable materials and suppliers for card products. This way it is connecting banks with eco-conscious manufacturers and embedding sustainability in the very fabric of its supply chain.

Additionally, Mastercard plans to transition all newly produced cards to recycled and bio-based materials by 2028. Further reducing its environmental footprint.

The launch of the Carbon Calculator in Egypt has garnered significant attention for Mastercard & MDP.

The payment processing giant is now expressing plans to expand the tool’s reach to other partners in the region and beyond. This potential for impact across the continent highlights the transformative power of transparency and consumer awareness in driving sustainable change.